Excerpt Macros for defining data within IntelliBoard. Updating information here will update it throughout all support documents that use the excerpt macro.
The unique value automatically created for each user by the connected LMS system |
Friendly name for the user in the platform, typically the login name for the user and created by the organization |
User’s first and last name |
User’s Primary Email Address as entered in the LMS. It displays as a clickable mailto link that automatically opens a new email in your default email client and prefills the “to” email address. |
The organization associated with the user in the LMS |
Timestamp for when the user account was created in the LMS |
Language code (such as “EN”) for the user’s preferred language |
Home country code of the user, such as AU or US |
An arbitrary ID code number, perhaps from the institution |
Timestamp for the first time the user logged in to the platform. Displays 0 if the user has not yet logged in. |
Timestamp for the most recent user login to the platform. Displays 0 if the user has not yet logged in. |
Count of user logins to the platform. This is an IntelliBoard calculated field. |
Link to the User’s LMS profile page. You must log in to the LMS to have access. |
User’s First Name |
User’s Last Name |
User state in the system, displays as either Active or Inactive |
User’s Role in course. (ie: Learner, Instructor, Designer, Observer) |
Unique ID for the user enrollment |
Timestamp for the last activity of the learner in the enrolled course |
Timestamp for the leaner’s last participation in the enrolled course. Note: an instructor may return a last participation if they have interacted in course forums. |
Date of when learner satisfies all requirements to complete the course |
Returns yes or no if the enrollment is complete |
Count of complete activities for the learner’s enrollment. This is an IntelliBoard calculated field. |
Total number of activities the learner must complete to satisfy enrollment requirements |
Course Grade displayed as a percentage out of 100 |
Course Grade displayed by points total |
Instructor Course Role - TBD |
Learner Course Role - TBD |
Course Role Name - TBD |
Date of user's first access to the course |
Date of user’s last access to the course |
Course Grade displayed by letter grade |
Total number of course modules or sections required to complete the course |
Number of Modules Required to be completed in a course for a user |
Unique ID for the type of Enrollment |
Date for the expected start of the user’s enrollment in the course. The user is not expected to begin work in the course until this date. |
Date for most recent modification to a user’s enrollment |
Date for the expected completion date of an enrollment, if entered. If no completion date is set, “Never” will be displayed. |
Total amount of time spent by user in the course on the LMS |
How the user enrolled in a course, such as “manual,” “cohort,” or via a 3rd party registration system such as IntelliCart |
Displays the status of a learner’s enrollment: Active, Inactive, Deleted, or Completed |
Displays “yes” or “no” if an enrollment in a course has satisfied requirements for completion |
The number of days since user last accessed the course |
Date the user last accessed the course |
User’s current grade in the course, number out of 100. |
Course name as it appears in the LMS system. It is a clickable link to the course page in the LMS. You must be log in the LMS to have access. |
The unique value automatically created for each course by the connected LMS system |
Course format such as weeks, topics, social, sites, etc. |
The Organization associated with the course in the connected platform |
Friendly name (or everyday name) for the course. This is not attached to the URL for the course in the LMS. It is useful when downloading a report as .csv or .xl file. |
User-defined code for the course, typically the SIS ID |
Date for when the course was created in the LMS |
Date for the scheduled start of the course |
Date for the scheduled end of the course |
Displays “Yes” or “No” if the course is visible to students |
URL to the course in the LMS. This is an IntelliBoard generated field. |
Instructor(s) for course |
Average grade of all learners in the course |
The unique value automatically created for each activity by the connected LMS system |
The name of the activity as populated in the LMS |
If the activity is an assignment, displays type of submission such as “comment” or “file” |
Date of when the activity record was created |
Shows due date for activity if the activity is a quiz or assignment |
Date for the expected activity completion date |
Unique ID for the course module which contains the activity |
URL for the activity. This is an IntelliBoard calculated field. |
Displays “Yes” or “No” if the activity is visible to learners |
Date of activity completion if the activity has been completed |
Displays the completion status of an activity, such as “Complete Pass,” “Complete Fail,” or “Incomplete” |
Unique value automatically created for each activity type by the connected LMS system |
Name of the activity, such as “Assignment” or “Quiz” |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the activity type, such as “Assignment” or “Quiz” |
Unique ID for the quiz |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the quiz |
Date for when the quiz becomes available in the course |
Date for when the quiz will become unavailable. Includes “grace period” time. |
Date for when the quiz will become unavailable. Does not include the “grace period.” |
Date for when the quiz was created |
Displays status of the quiz in a course as either “Active” or “Inactive” |
Unique ID for the quiz completion attempt |
Number of the quiz attempt (ie: a learner’s 2nd attempt) |
Timestamp for when the quiz attempt was started |
Timestamp for when the quiz attempt was completed |
Score for the quiz attempt |
Status of the learner interaction with a quiz. Displays “Untaken,” “In Progress,” “Pending Review,” or “Complete.” |
Unique ID for the quiz question |
Name of the quiz question |
Text of the question |
Total number of points the learner can achieve with a correct answer |
Unique ID for the forum activity |
Name of the forum activity |
Date of when the forum activity was created |
Displays “Yes” or “No” if the forum activity is a course announcement |
Unique ID for the forum discussion |
Name of the forum discussion/topic |
Date of when the discussion post/topic was created |
Unique ID for the forum post as given by the LMS |
Content of the discussion post |
Number of replies the post received. This is an IntelliBoard calculated field. |
Date of when the forum/discussion post was created |
Date of when the post/discussion was modified |
Displays if the forum/discussion post is “Active,” “Inactive,” or “Deleted” |
Unique ID for the page |
Friendly name (everyday name) of the page |
Date of when the page was created |
Displays “Yes” or “No” if the course page is visible to students |
The type of submission accepted by the assignment (ie: file, URL, plain text) |
ID of the course module the assignment is contained within |
Name of the assignment |
Date of when the assignment becomes available in the course |
Date of when the assignment will no longer be available in the course |
Date of assignment’s due date |
Date of when the assignment was created |
Displays “Yes” or “No” if the assignment is the visible to learners |
Unique ID for the assignment submission record |
Date of when the assignment was submitted |
Text feedback or comments on the assignment submission |
Date of when the submission feedback was created |
Displays score of the assignment, if graded |
URL of the Assignment Submission |
Maximum grade achievable on the grade object |
Friendly name (everyday name) of the grade item |
A unique identifier assigned to a grade entry by the connected LMS. This is used to distinguish multiple grades entered into the system for the same cell in the gradebook. |
The raw number of points assigned by the grader to the submission |
Date of when the grade was entered |
Number of points the learner achieved on the assignment |
Letter grade for an assignment or course |
Displays status of a grade object as either “Published” or “Unpublished” |
Displays whether the grade line item is for an activity or a course |
Displays the status of a grade object as either “Active” or “Inactive” |
A unique identifier for the record summarizing a single user’s action across the LMS. This is an IntelliBoard calculate field. |
The number of times a user has viewed a given activity within a course over time. This is an IntelliBoard calculated field. |
The cumulative amount of time spent by the user viewing or interacting with a given activity within a course over time. This is an IntelliBoard calculated field. |
The number of participations in a given activity within a course over time (as calculated by IntelliBoard), where "participations" are submission by the student of content for feedback |
IP Address the user accessed the LMS from |
Date of the user’s first access of the LMS |
Date of the user’s most recent access of the LMS |
Displays if the user tracking point is from the site, a course, or a module. |
User visits per day |
Total time a user spent on the platform by day |
Date which a user activity was logged in the LMS |
Count of user visits by hour of the day |
Time spent in the LMS by the user, broken down by hours. This in an IntelliBoard calculated field |
Date and hour for the most recent platform activity by the user. A user may have several of these per day if they access or record a participation in the LMS multiple times. (ie: 02.12.2023 12:30, 02.12.2023 13:12, 02.12.2023 15:26) |
A unique identifier for a role which can be assigned to a user within a course or other context |
The name of a role that can be assigned to a user within a course or other context |
An alternative name for the role assigned to a user within a course or other context |
A unique identifier of a category unit used to group courses or subcategories |
Friendly name (everyday name) of a category unit used to group courses or subcategories |
The location of a category unit within a structure used to group courses or subcategories |
A parameter used to define how categories or organizational units will be sorted in a list |
Displays “Yes” or “No” if the category is visible in the platform. |
Date of the most recent modification in the platform |
Optional category id number. This is typically an external or SIS-linked id number. |
The unique identifier of a term or semester as defined in the connected platform |
The name of the term, a set period of time often used to organize courses, as defined on the connected platform |
A unique, visible identifying code given to the term within the connected platform |
Date when the term begins, as defined in the connected platform |
Date of the end of the term, as defined in the connected platform |
Unique ID for the browser used |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the browser used (ie: Firefox, Safari, or Chrome) |
Unique ID for the operating system |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the operating system (ie: Windows, ChromeOS, or MacOS) |
Displays the status of the learner submission as “New,” “Draft,” “Submitted,” “Graded,” or “Reopened” |
Unique ID for the LTI Tool |
Friendly name (everyday name) of the LTI tool |
URL of the LTI tool |
Status of the LTI tool, displays as either “Active” or “Inactive” |
Timestamp for when the LTI activity was created in the platform |
Unique ID for the user profile field category. |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the user profile field category |
Unique ID for the user profile field |
Short name for the user profile field. This is typically the system name. |
Name of the user profile field. This is typically the friendly or display name. |
Displays the visibility of the user profile field, either “Visible” or “Not Visible” |
Unique ID for the user profile field data record. |
Contents of the user profile field, such as a department name, birth year, academic major, etc. |
Format of the user profile field. Typically displays the name of the platform the profile field was created in. |
Unique ID of the cohort |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the cohort |
User-generated ID for the cohort. Typically matched with external systems such as an SIS. |
Status of the cohort, displays as “Active” or “Inactive” |
Timestamp for when the cohort was created. |
Timestamp for the most recent modification of the cohort. |
Status of the cohort group, displays as either “Active” or “Inactive” |
The total number of users enrolled in a section regardless of a role |