Create LTI connection inside your Moodle Administrator account.
Go to “Site Administration” and click “Plugins.”
Select “Local Plugins” and then “IntelliData.”
Scroll down to “LTI Configuration” and copy data from the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information.
Tool URL: The URL field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information.
Key: The LTI Consumer Key field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information.
Secret: The LTI Consumer Secret field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information.
Set LTI Menu Title to Analytics
Check the box next to “Display in Custom Menu.”
Click “Save Changes” button.
At this point, only the site administrator(s) can see this menu item. You must add this permission to a site-wide role to enable other users to see this menu item. To do this, add the permission to the Authenticated User role. This will enable learners as well as instructors to see IntelliBoard.
Under “Site Administration” in your Moodle Administrator account, click “Users.”
Under the “Permissions” group, click “Define Roles.”
Click “Authenticated User” and click the “Edit” button.
Scroll down to “Capability” and filter using “Intellidata.”
Set “IntelliBoard LTI View” to “Allow.”
Click “Save Changes” button.
If you want to grant permission to view the LTI to only selected users, e.g. only instructors, you will need to create a separate system-level role, e.g. “LTIview,” and assign that role to the users you want to give the permission to.
Under “Site Administration” in your Moodle Administrator account, click “Users.”
Under the “Permissions” group, click “Define Roles.”
Click the newly created role such as “LTIview” and click the “Edit” button.
Scroll down to “Capability” and filter using “Intellidata.”
Set “IntelliBoard LTI View” to “Allow.”
Click “Save Changes” button.
You now need to grant this system role to only those users who should have it. Moodle provides a utility to update roles per user:
Use Moodle or IntelliBoard to export a list of usernames for all users with a Teacher role in at least one course. Use this list to construct a CSV file
The first row of the import file consists of this exact text:username,sysrole1
Every row after will look similar to this:mlrobson,ltiview
Here, “mlrobson” is a username and "ltiview" is the name of the new role that allows the LTI menu item to be visible.
It is also possible to remove the system role from a user by including a line like this:
The minus sign removes the role.
Follow the directions on the “Upload Users” documentation page referenced above to use the CSV file to add/remove roles.
In order for a user to be able to use the LTI associated with IntelliBoard, the user account needs to be created in IntelliBoard. You will need to sync IB Users.
link to Sync IB User page here