Excerpt Macros for defining data within IntelliBoard. Updating information here will update it throughout all support documents that use the excerpt macro.
Users Category
User ID -LMS
Excerpt |
The unique value automatically created for each user by the connected LMS system |
Excerpt |
User’s Primary Email Address as entered in the LMS. It In IntelliBoard Pro, it displays as a clickable mailto link that automatically opens a new email in your default email client and prefills the “to” email address. |
Excerpt |
Timestamp for when the user account was created in the LMS |
Locale - Language
Excerpt |
Language code (such as “EN”) for the user’s preferred language |
Excerpt |
User state in the system, displays as either Active or Inactive |
Enrollment Category
Enrollment Role in course
Excerpt |
name | Enrollment Role in course |
User’s Role in course. (ie: Learner, Instructor, Designer, Observer) |
Excerpt |
name | Course Completion Met |
Returns yes or no if the enrollment is completeor the status of Complete or Incomplete to the question has the user completed the course |
Number of Completed Activities
Excerpt |
name | Course Grade (Points) |
Course Grade displayed by points total |
First Course
Excerpt |
name | Instructor First Course Role |
Instructor Course Role - TBD |
Date of user's first access to the course |
Last Course Access
Excerpt |
Learner Course Role - TBD |
Course Role Name
Excerpt |
Course Role Name - TBD |
First Course Access
Excerpt |
Date of user's first access to the course |
Last Course Access
Excerpt |
Date of user’s last access to the course |
Date of user’s last access to the course |
Course Grade Letter
Excerpt |
Course Grade displayed by letter grade |
Excerpt |
name | Number of Modules/Course Sections Required to Meet Completion |
Total number of course modules or sections required to complete the course |
Completion Number of Modules
Excerpt |
name | Enrollments Need Complete Modules-number of modules needed to complete |
Number of Modules Required to be completed in a course for a user |
Excerpt |
Unique ID for the type of Enrollment |
Excerpt |
name | Enrollment Start Date |
Date user enrolled in course |
Enrollment expected Start Date
Excerpt |
name | Enrollment expected Start Date |
Date for the expected start of the user’s enrollment in the course. The user is not expected to begin work in the course until this date. |
Excerpt |
name | Enrollment Course Grade Score |
User’s current grade in the course, number out of 100. |
Total Enrollments
Excerpt |
The total number of enrollments in the course, determined by the sum of unique User ID enrolled in the course. |
Courses Category
Excerpt |
Course name as it appears in the LMS system. It is a clickable link to the course page in the LMS. You must be logged in the LMS to have access. |
Course ID - LMS
Excerpt |
The unique value automatically created for each course by the connected LMS system |
Course SIS ID
Excerpt |
The unique value automatically created for each course by the connected SIS data. |
Course Format
Excerpt |
Course format such as weeks, topics, social, sites, etc. |
Excerpt |
Friendly name (or everyday name) for the course. This is not attached to the URL for the course in the LMS. It is useful when downloading a report as .csv or .xl xlsx file. |
Course Code
Excerpt |
User-defined code for the course, typically the SIS ID |
Excerpt |
name | Average Participation |
Average number of times users participated in the course |
Activity Category
Activity ID
Average Course Grade
Excerpt |
The unique value automatically created for each activity by the connected LMS system |
The average grade of students in the class, determined by taking the average of all current grades in the course |
Active Courses
Excerpt |
The name of the activity as populated in the LMS. It is a clickable link to the activity page in the LMS. You must be logged in the LMS to have access. |
Total number of active courses user is enrolled. |
Completed Courses
Excerpt |
Total number of courses user has completed. |
Course Completion Status
Excerpt |
name | Course Completion Status |
Displays the status of the user in regards to course completion. May return “In Progress” or “Completed” |
Activity Category
Activity ID
Excerpt |
The unique value automatically created for each activity by the connected LMS system |
Excerpt |
The name of the activity as populated in the LMS. This is not attached It is a clickable link to the URL for the activity page in the LMS. You must be logged in the LMS to have access. |
Activity Name
Excerpt |
The name of the activity as populated in the LMS. This is not attached to the URL for the activity in the LMS. It is useful when downloading a report as .csv or .xl xlsx file. |
Activity Grade
Excerpt |
Grade displayed as percent or points on the individual activity in a course |
Activity Submission Type
Excerpt |
name | Activity Submission Type |
If the activity is an assignment, displays type of submission such as “comment” or “file” |
Excerpt |
URL for the activity. This is an IntelliBoard calculated field. |
Visible Activity
Excerpt |
name | Activities Sort Order |
Excerpt |
Displays Displays “Yes” or “No” if the activity is visible to learners |
Activity Completion Category
Activity Completion Date
Activities - number of
Excerpt |
name | Activity Completion Date |
Date of activity completion if the activity has been completed |
Activities - total number |
Total number of activities in course, determined by sum of unique Activities ID. |
Visits to Activity
Excerpt |
name | Visits to Activity Completion UR |
Total number of visits by users to an activity |
Time Spent in Activity
Excerpt |
name | Time Spent in Activity Completion ID |
Total time spent by users in an activity |
Average Score in Activity
Excerpt |
name | Average Score in Activity |
The average score of users on an activity |
First Access to Activity
Excerpt |
name | First Access to Activiy |
Date of first time an activity was accessed by a user |
Activity Completion Category
Activity Completion Date
Excerpt |
name | Activity Completion Date |
Date of activity completion if the activity has been completed |
Activity Completion Status
Excerpt |
name | Activity Completion Status |
Displays the completion status of an activity, such as “Complete Pass,” “Complete Fail,” or “Incomplete” |
Percent Completed Activities
Excerpt |
name | Course Module Activities Completions Status Name |
Activity Types Category
Activity Type ID
Percent Completed Activities |
The percentage of completed activities in the course |
Activities Completed Items
Excerpt |
Unique value automatically created for each activity type by the connected LMS system |
Activity Type Name
Excerpt |
Name of the activity, such as “Assignment” or “Quiz” |
Activity Type Alias
Excerpt |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the activity type, such as “Assignment” or “Quiz” |
Quizzes Category
Activities Completed Items |
Shows the total number of activities completed out of the total number of activities in a course. ie. 85 of 105 means the user has completed 85 activities out of the 105 activities that are in a course. |
Number of Users Who Completed Activity
Excerpt |
name | Number of Users Who Completed Activity |
Total number of users who have completed the activity |
Activity Types Category
Activity Type ID
Excerpt |
name | Quiz Activity Type ID |
Unique ID for the quiz |
value automatically created for each activity type by the connected LMS system |
Activity Type Name
Excerpt |
name | Quiz Activity Type Name |
Name of the activity, such as “Assignment” or “Quiz” |
Activity Type Alias
Excerpt |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the activity type, such as “Assignment” or “Quiz” |
Quizzes Category
Quiz ID
Excerpt |
Unique ID for the quiz |
Quiz Name
Excerpt |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the quiz |
Quiz Start Date
Excerpt |
Date for when the quiz becomes available in the course |
Excerpt |
Displays status of the quiz in a course as either “Active” or “Inactive” |
Quiz Attempts Category
Quiz Attempt ID
Quizzes - total number
Excerpt |
| Unique ID for the |
Total number of quizzes in a course, determined by the sum of unique Quiz Activities IDs. |
Quiz Attempts Category
Quiz Attempt ID
Excerpt |
Unique ID for the quiz completion attempt |
Quiz Attempt
Excerpt |
Score for the quiz attempt |
Quiz Attempts Points
Quiz Attempt Status
Excerpt |
Status of the learner interaction with a quiz. Displays “Untaken,” “In Progress,” “Pending Review,” or “Complete.” |
Excerpt |
name | Quiz Question Types Name |
TBDThis column specifies the type or format of each quiz question, such as multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, essay, etc. |
Quiz Questions Types Type
Excerpt |
name | Forum is an Announcement |
Displays “Yes” or “No” if the forum activity is a course announcement |
Forum Discussion Category
Forums - total number
Excerpt |
name | Forums - total number |
Total number of forums in a course, determined by the sum of unique Forum Activities IDs. |
Forum Discussion Category
Forum Discussion ID
Excerpt |
Unique ID for the forum discussion |
Excerpt |
name | Forum Discussion Last Post Date |
Date of when the discussion post/topic most recent post in the discussion was created. |
Forum Posts Category
Forum Post ID
Excerpt |
Displays “Yes” or “No” if the course page is visible to students |
Excerpt |
Total number of pages in a course, determined by the sum of unique Page Activities IDs. |
Assignment Category
Assignment Submission Type
Excerpt |
Displays “Yes” or “No” if the assignment is the visible to learners |
Excerpt |
name | Assignment Submissions Aggregated Last Assignment Submissions Submitted At |
Total number of assignments in a course, determined by the sum of unique Assignment Activities IDs. |
Last Assignment Score
Excerpt |
name | Assignment Submissions Aggregated Last Assignment Submissions Grade Score |
Percentage grade of last assignment submitted in course |
Assignments Submissions Category
Assignment Submission ID
Excerpt |
name | Assignment Submissions Aggregated Last Assignment Submissions Grade Point |
Unique ID for the assignment submission record |
Assignment Submission Date
Excerpt |
name | Assignment Submissions Aggregated Last Assignment Submissions Grade Letter ID |
Assignments Submissions Category
Assignment Submission ID
Excerpt |
name | Assignment Submission ID |
Unique ID for the assignment submission record |
Assignment Submission Date
Excerpt |
name | Assignment Submission Date |
Date |
Date of when the assignment was submitted |
Excerpt |
name | Assignment Submissions URL |
URL of the Assignment Submission |
Last Assignment
Excerpt |
Name of last Assignment activity that was submitted |
Grade Category
Grade Object Max Grade achievable
Excerpt |
name | Grade Object Max Grade - max achievable grade |
Maximum grade achievable on the grade object |
Excerpt |
Friendly name (everyday name) of the grade item |
Grade Object
Excerpt |
name | Grade Object is External |
Grade Object Result ID
Excerpt |
name | Grade Object Result ID |
A unique identifier assigned to a grade entry by the connected LMS. This is used to distinguish multiple grades entered into the system for the same cell in the gradebook. |
Grade Object Result Grade Points - graded
Excerpt |
name | Grade Object Result Grade Points - graded |
The raw number of points assigned by the grader to the submission |
Excerpt |
name | Grade Objects Results Grade Score |
Number of points the learner achieved on the assignment |
Grade Object Result Feedback
Grade Letter
Excerpt |
Letter grade for an assignment or course |
Excerpt |
The number of times a user has viewed a given activity within a course over time. This is an IntelliBoard calculated field. |
Total Time Spent - per user
Excerpt |
name | Total Time Spent - per user |
The cumulative amount of time spent by the user viewing or interacting with a given activity within a course over time. This is an IntelliBoard calculated field. |
Excerpt |
The number of participations in a given activity within a course over time (as calculated by IntelliBoard), where "participations" are submission submissions by the student of content for feedback |
Excerpt |
Sum total of User’s time spent in a course or of all users in a course, dependent upon the report. |
User Last System Login
Excerpt |
name | User Last System Login |
Date of the most recent user login to the platform. Displays “0” if the user has not yet logged in. |
Excerpt |
Date of the end of the term, as defined in the connected platform |
Term Status
Browsers Category
Browser ID
Excerpt |
name | Assignment Submission Status |
Displays the status of the learner submission as “New,” “Draft,” “Submitted,” “Graded,” or “Reopened” |
LTI Tools
Last Submission
Excerpt |
Unique ID for the LTI Tool |
Date of last assignment submitted in course |
Submitted At
Excerpt |
Friendly name (everyday name) of the LTI tool |
Date the activity was submitted |
Submission Type
Excerpt |
URL of the LTI tool |
The type of submission the activity is. Examples include: Online text entry, discussion topic, and online upload. |
Days Since Last Submission
Excerpt |
Status of the LTI tool, displays as either “Active” or “Inactive” |
Days Since Last Submission |
Show number of days since user submitted an activity (assignment, quiz, forum post, etc) in a course. Decimals can be used to measure partial days, i.e. 2.5 days. Standard rounding rules are used. Is determined by “Current Date - Date of Last submission.” |
LTI Tools
Excerpt |
Timestamp for when the LTI activity was created in the platform |
Deprecated User Profile Field Categories
User Profile Field Categories ID
Unique ID for the LTI Tool |
LTI name
Excerpt |
Excerpt |
name | User Profile Field Categories Name |
Friendly name name | User Profile Field Categories ID |
Unique ID for the user profile field category. |
User Profile Field Categories Name
Friendly name (everyday name) for the user profile field category |
Deprecated User Profile Fields
User Profile Fields ID
Excerpt |
name | User Profile Fields ID |
Unique ID for the user profile field |
LTI Tool State
Excerpt |
name | User Profile Fields Shortname |
Short name for the user profile field. This is typically the system name. |
Status of the LTI tool, displays as either “Active” or “Inactive” |
Time Created
Excerpt |
name | User Profile Fields Name |
| Name of the user profile field. This is typically the friendly or display name. |
Timestamp for when the LTI activity was created in the platform |
User Profile Fields Category
Excerpt |
name | User Profile Field Statuses Status |
Displays the visibility of the user profile field, either “Visible” or “Not Visible” |
User Profile Field Data Category
User Profile Field Data
Excerpt |
name | User Profile Field Data ID |
| Unique ID for |
Format of the user profile field data record. |
User Profile Field Data
Excerpt |
name | User Profile Field Data |
Contents of the user profile field, such as a department name, birth year, academic major, etc. |
User Profile Field Data Category
User Profile Field Data Format
Excerpt |
name | User Profile Field Data Format |
Format of the user profile field. Typically displays the name of the platform the profile field was created in. |
Cohort Category
Cohorts ID
Excerpt |
Unique ID of the cohort |
Cohorts Name
Excerpt |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the cohort |
Cohorts ID Number
Excerpt |
User-generated ID for the cohort. Typically matched with external systems such as an SIS. |
Cohorts Status
Excerpt |
Status of the cohort, displays as “Active” or “Inactive” |
Cohorts Components
Cohorts Created At
Excerpt |
Timestamp for when the cohort was created. |
Cohorts Updated At
Excerpt |
Timestamp for the most recent modification of the cohort. |
Cohort Members Added At
Excerpt |
name | Cohort Members Added At |
Cohort Statuses Status
Excerpt |
name | Cohort Statuses Status |
Status of the cohort group, displays as either “Active” or “Inactive” |
Course Sections
Course Section Start Date
Course Section End Date
Course Section ID
Course Section Name
Course Section Update Date
Course Section Total Users
Excerpt |
name | Course Section Total Users |
The total number of users enrolled in a section regardless of a role |
Course Section Description
. Typically displays the name of the platform the profile field was created in. |
Cohort Category
Cohorts ID
Excerpt |
Unique ID of the cohort |
Cohorts Name
Excerpt |
Friendly name (everyday name) for the cohort |
Cohorts ID Number
Excerpt |
User-generated ID for the cohort. Typically matched with external systems such as an SIS. |
Cohorts Status
Excerpt |
Status of the cohort, displays as “Active” or “Inactive” |
Cohorts Created At
Excerpt |
Timestamp for when the cohort was created. |
Cohorts Updated At
Excerpt |
Timestamp for the most recent modification of the cohort. |
Cohort Statuses Status
Excerpt |
name | Cohort Statuses Status |
Status of the cohort group, displays as either “Active” or “Inactive” |
Course Sections
Course Section Start Date
Course Section End Date
Course Section ID
Course Section Name
Course Section Update Date
Course Section Total Users
Excerpt |
name | Course Section Total Users |
The total number of users enrolled in a section regardless of a role |
Course Section Description
Course Section Course Listed Course ID
IntelliBoard Lite/Legacy Data
Page - level of lms accessed
Excerpt |
name | Page - level of lms accessed |
The level in the LMS the User has accessed. i.e. Course, Module, etc. |
Excerpt |
The Internal ID number that is assigned by the LMS |
Excerpt |
The number of visits to the course by the User |
User Language
Excerpt |
Primary language of the User |
Course Template
Excerpt |
The template organizational unit serves as a grouping container in the LMS for organizing similar or related courses. For example, you can group all History 101 classes in one place if you offer multiple sections or group all History classes in one place. It helps make enrolling, creating, and managing courses easier over time. |
Most Active Day
Excerpt |
Displays the day of the week users are most active in the course. |
Time of Day
Excerpt |
Displays based on the filter setting. It may show 3 periods, 6 periods, or total time breakdown for the subsequent days of the week (hours) columns. In some reports, the Time of Day is already set, other reports may have a filter setting that can adjusted. |
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (Hours)
Excerpt |
name | Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc (hours) |
Time spent by User in specified time period of the day. |
Sunday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday (Percent of total time)
Excerpt |
name | Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.. Percent of Total |
Percent of total time spent by users on a specific day of the week compared to a full week. |
Excerpt |
Progress of User on the LMS site in the course. Displays as a bar graph or a percentage of completion. |
Completed Activities
Excerpt |
Total number of activities user has completed. |
Status - User
Excerpt |
User’s status within the course. May display as either “Complete” or “Incomplete.” |
Time On Site - User
Excerpt |
Total time User has spent on the LMS. |
Time on Courses - User
Excerpt |
name | Total time on all Courses - User |
Total time User has spent in all courses. |
Time on Activities - User
Excerpt |
name | Time on Activities - User |
Total time User has spent in all activities. |
Excerpt |
User’s primary phone number |
Phone 2
Excerpt |
Secondary phone number if available. |
Excerpt |
Institution of User |
Excerpt |
Department of User |
Excerpt |
User’s street address |
Excerpt |
User’s city/town of residence. |
Excerpt |
User’s country of residence. |
Excerpt |
Type of Degree User is pursuing. ie. PhD, Associate, Bachelor, High School, etc |
Ethnic Group
Excerpt |
User’s self identified ethnic group if available |
Full Time/Part Time
Excerpt |
User’s student status, Full Time or Part Time, if available |
Excerpt |
User’s self identified gender, if available |
Excerpt |
User’s assigned group |
Log In Time
Excerpt |
Time stamp of the most recent log in to the LMS |
Log Out Time
Excerpt |
Time stamp of the most recent log out of the LMS |
Browser Use Percentage
Excerpt |
name | Browser Use Percentage |
Displays the percentage a User has used particular browsers. i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc. |
Operating System Percentage
Excerpt |
name | Operating System Percentage |
Displays the percentage a User has used particular operating systems. i.e. Windows 10, Mac OS X, Linus, etc |
Device Use Percentage
Excerpt |
name | Device Use Percentage |
Displays the percentage a User has used particular devices. i.e. iPhone, iPad, Android, etc |
Number of Courses
Excerpt |
Total number of courses User is enrolled |
Authentication Method
Excerpt |
name | Authentication Method |
The authentication method by which the user was added to the LMS system |
Excerpt |
The column stores data about whether the user's data was confirmed |
Excerpt |
The column stores data about whether the user's activity was suspended |
Excerpt |
The column stores data about whether the user's activity was deleted |
Modified - User
Excerpt |
Date when User was modified in the LMS system |
Current Login
Excerpt |
The last time the user logged in using previously saved data. User is still logged on. |
Excerpt |
Average of grades in all enrolled courses. |
Excerpt |
Learner's current grade in course |
Role Changed
Excerpt |
Displays if the user’s role has been changed, either yes or no. |
Role Changed By
Excerpt |
Displays the name of person who changed the user’s role, if it has been changed. |
Role Changed From
Excerpt |
Displays the previous role held by the user, if the role has been changed. |
Excerpt |
Action taken in the role change. i.e. Assigned |
Actions - Send Email
Excerpt |
Click the mail icon to open a new email in your default email client and prefills the “to” email address with the user’s email address. |
Action - connect to LMS
Excerpt |
name | Action - Connect to LMS |
Click the “View” link to access the connected LMS |
Date Role Was Changed
Excerpt |
name | Date Role Was Changed |
Date the role change occurred. |
Short Name
Excerpt |
Shortened name for limited space needs |
Date Graded
Excerpt |
Date an assignment, activity, or quiz was graded. |
Graded By
Excerpt |
Name of person who graded the assignment, activity, or quiz |
Forum Total
Excerpt |
The total number of forums within a course. |
Forum Visits
Excerpt |
Total number of visits to forum(s) within a course |
Forum Time Spent
Excerpt |
Total amount of time users have spent on forums within a course |
Forum Posts
Excerpt |
Total number of posts within a course’s forum(s) |
Forum Discussions
Excerpt |
Total number of discussions within a course’s forum(s) |
Time Spent on Activity
Excerpt |
name | Time Spent on Activity |
Total time user spent on a specific activity. |
Excerpt |
A hyperlink to details of the activity and BBB attendance |
Number of Completed Learners
Excerpt |
name | Number of Completed Learners |
Total number of users with learner roles that have completed the course. |
Number of Learners Enrolled
Excerpt |
name | Number of Learners Enrolled |
Total number of users with learner roles that are enrolled in a course. |
Number of Learner Events
Excerpt |
name | Number of Learner Events |
Total number of Learner Events in a course |
Number of Visits to Course
Excerpt |
name | Number of Visits to Course |
Total number of visits by all users to a course. |
Percent of Activities Completed by Learners
Excerpt |
name | Percent of Activities Completed by Learners |
The percent of activities in a course that have been completed |
Average Learner Forum Post by Day
Excerpt |
name | Average Learner Forum Post by Day |
The average number of forum posts per day by learners in a course |
Average Learner Course Visits by Day
Excerpt |
name | Average Learner Course Visits by Day |
The average number of overall course visits per day by learners in a course |
Number of Workshops
Excerpt |
Total number of workshops in a course |
Number of New Activities Added After Course Creation Date
Excerpt |
name | Number of New Activities Added After Course Creation Date |
Total number of any new activities added to a course after the course’s initial creation date. |
Number of Completions
Excerpt |
name | Number of Completions |
Total number of Assignments that have been completed in a course |
Number of Submitted
Excerpt |
Total number of Assignments that have been submitted in a course |
Number of Grades
Excerpt |
Total number of Assignments that have been graded in a course |
Number of Enrolled Users
Excerpt |
name | Number of Enrolled Users |
Total number of all users enrolled in course, regardless of role. |
Excerpt |
The method the user used to access the content. i.e. “web” |
LMS Dashboards
Dashboard Time Spent (Total)
Excerpt |
name | Dashboard Time Spent (Total) |
Total Time a user has spent on the LMS dashboard |
Dashboard Visits (Total)
Excerpt |
name | Dashboard Visits (Total) |
The number of clicks (mouse clicks) made by instructor in a specific course |
First Access to Dashboard
Excerpt |
name | First Access to Dashboard |
Date of user’s first access to the LMS dashboard |
Last Access to Dashboard
Excerpt |
name | Last Access to Dashboard |
Date of user’s most recent access to the LMS dashboard |
Instructor Dashboard Report/Item
Excerpt |
name | Instructor Dashboard Report/Item |
The dashboard name and the particular item on this dashboard instructor has visited |
Enrolled By
Excerpt |
Name of person or role who enrolled user in course |
Number of Courses in Category
Excerpt |
name | Number of course in category |
The total number of courses within a category. |
Instructor related fields
Number of Instructor Posts in a Forum
Excerpt |
name | Number of Instructor Posts in a Forum |
The sum total of posts made by the instructor in a forum. |
Number of Active Learners in the Last 30 Days
Excerpt |
name | Number of Active Learners in the Last 30 Days |
Number of learners who have engaged with the LMS system in the last 30 days |
Number of Learner(s) with Completed Courses
Excerpt |
name | Number of Learners with Completed Courses |
The number of learners who have completed courses with the associated instructor (must be enabled in the LMS system) |
Average Grade for All Courses
Excerpt |
name | Average Grade for All Courses |
The average grade for all learners in all courses associated with the instructor |
Number of Users Accessed Course
Excerpt |
name | Number of Users Accessed Course |
Total number of users who have accessed the course, regardless of role |
Number of Users Who Never Accessed
Excerpt |
name | Number of Users Who Never Accessed |
Total number of users who have never accessed the course, regardless of role |
Number of Users Completed
Excerpt |
name | Number of Users Completed |
Total number of users who have completed the course |
Number of Instructors
Excerpt |
name | Number of Instructors |
Total number of instructors assigned to a course |
Number of Incomplete Learners
Excerpt |
name | Number of Incomplete Learners |
Total number of enrolled learners that have not yet completed the course |
Number of Overdue Users
Excerpt |
name | Number of Overdue Users |
Total number of enrolled learners that are overdue for course completion. |
Number of Learners Who Entered The Course and Completed an Activity
Excerpt |
name | Number of learners, entered course and completed activity |
Total number of learners who have accessed the course and completed at least 1 activity |
Number of Learners Who Entered The Course and Not Completed an Activity
Excerpt |
name | Number of learners, entered course but NOT completed activity |
Total number of learners who have accessed the course but have not completed any activities |
Course Progress related
Activity Views
Excerpt |
name | Activity Views Progress Bar |
Percent of Activities that have been viewed by the user as shown by a progress bar |
Percent of Completed Modules
Excerpt |
name | Percent of Completed Modules |
Percent of Modules that have been completed by the user as shown by a progress bar |
Assignments Percent Completed
Excerpt |
name | Assignments Percent Completed |
Percent of Assignments that have been completed by the user as shown by a progress bar |
Course (Feedback)
Excerpt |
Displays feedback from the course by the user |
Last Downloaded from this Course
Excerpt |
name | Last Downloaded from this Course |
Displays the date the user last downloaded anything from the course |
Number of Attempts
Excerpt |
Total number of attempts users made in an activity, may be per user or for all users in a course dependent upon the report. |
Course Outcomes
Outcome Full Name
Excerpt |
The complete and descriptive name of the course outcome |
Outcome Short Name
Excerpt |
The condensed version of the full name, often used for brevity in reports, dashboards, or other interfaces where space is limited |
Outcome Description
Excerpt |
Provides additional context or details about the outcome, including any specific skills, knowledge, or competencies that students should demonstrate. It elaborates on what the outcome entails and may include examples or criteria for achievement. |
Outcome Scale
Excerpt |
This indicates how the outcome will be measured or assessed. It could be a qualitative scale (e.g., Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) or a quantitative scale (e.g., Percentage, Letter Grade, Rubric Score). |
Outcome Average
Excerpt |
This represents the average level of achievement for the outcome across all students in the course. |
Number of activities that will be Graded in a course
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name | Number of activities that will be graded in a course |
Total number of assignments, activities, etc that will be graded as part of the course |
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The specific identifier or code assigned to each course outcome within an LMS or educational system. |
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The Open LMS Outcome Component for the course |
Minimum Grade
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Displays the minimum possible grade for the assignment or assessment. |
Maximum Grade
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Displays the maximum possible grade for the assignment or assessment. |
Raw Grade
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The raw score or grade achieved by the user on the assignment or assessment before any adjustments or calculations. |
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This column may provide additional information about the instance or occurrence of the assignment or assessment within the course, such as a specific module or session. |
Attempts ID
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A unique identifier for each attempt made by a user on an assignment or assessment. |
Payment Amount
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Amount paid by user for enrollment |
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Type of currency used to pay for enrollment |
Number of Courses Using This Enrollment Method
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Total number of courses that were enrolled in using a specific enrollment method |
Enrollments- Number of
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name | Enrollments - Number of |
Total number of enrollments using a specific enrollment method |