Purpose: To provide a comprehensive overview of average grades, visits, time spent, and participations across course activities.
Use: To identify trends in activity performance and trigger notifications for underperforming areas or learners.
Course Verification
Leverage the Course List dataset to review course level information, including course location, course codes, and a summary of course activity. Grey columns represent system level information; blue columns represent course level information.
Purpose: To track Regular Substantive Interactions (RSI) by instructors across courses, offering insights into engagement levels.
Use: To monitor and evaluate instructor interactions for compliance with RSI requirements and provide targeted feedback.
The Course Status report displays cumulative course statistics filterable by category and course, course creation date, activity period, and average course grade.
Purpose: To summarize key course metrics, such as creation dates, activity periods, and average grades.
Use: To analyze course performance trends and assess overall course effectiveness.
Course Readiness Report
Displays detailed information about instructor behavior within courses and learners, including instructor email and a link to the course, and count of submissions broken out by grade status. Can be filtered by category/course, course start date, and course end date.