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nameLast Downloaded from this Course

Displays the date the user last downloaded anything from the course

Course Outcomes

Outcome Full Name

nameOutcome Full Name

The complete and descriptive name of the course outcome

Outcome Short Name

nameOutcome Short Name

The condensed version of the full name, often used for brevity in reports, dashboards, or other interfaces where space is limited

Outcome Description

nameOutcome Description

Provides additional context or details about the outcome, including any specific skills, knowledge, or competencies that students should demonstrate. It elaborates on what the outcome entails and may include examples or criteria for achievement.

Outcome Scale

nameOutcome Scale

This indicates how the outcome will be measured or assessed. It could be a qualitative scale (e.g., Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor) or a quantitative scale (e.g., Percentage, Letter Grade, Rubric Score).

Outcome Average

nameOutcome Average

This represents the average level of achievement for the outcome across all students in the course.

Number of Grades

nameNumber of Grades

Total number of assignments, activities, etc that will be graded as part of the course